I know many of you know through other blog sites that this past week marked the 'anniversary' of our dear friend's death. Her name was Heidi. I went to high school with her, but didn't REALLY get to know her until we were considered 'young marrieds'. I helped plan activities for our Sunday School group and she was always willing to help out and even host something at her house! One thing I learned from her, is to always have a 'open front door'. She (and her husband) would open their doors to anyone at anytime.
This picture was taken on our church's NYC Missions Trip the summer of 2003. Heidi was working at a prayer station that day. She found out on this trip that she was pregnant! Which I kind of suspected....because she had the twinkle in her eye and was definitely glowing! But, I wanted her to be the one to tell me when she wanted to tell me.
There is not a day that goes by (or even an hour) that I don't think of her and wonder what she would be doing here on earth or even what she's doing up there in the presence of GOD!! I miss her so much but anxiously wait until I get to see her again! Isn't that an amazing thought? We ARE going to see her again! She was such a role model for me. I wish I could have told her that in person. I find myself asking myself...hmmm...if Heidi was in this situation, what would SHE do? She was a wonderful Christian lady, an awesome friend to EVERYONE, a great/telented singer, a dedicated wife....I could go on and on.
I debated whether to post something or not...but I feel like this is an good way for me to 'remember' her and share just what she meant to me. Here are some pictures I took off my fridge and scanned. I know that this is a rather long 'post' but thank you for allowing me to share my feelings about her. I am SO grateful that God gave me the opportunity to know her...even for such a brief moment.
This picture (above) is the last picture I have of her. It was the Sunday before she delivered her son. We had a church shower for her and this was the 'committee'. Check out all that food? I remember her facial expression when she walked in the house. Her eyes got so big and of course her smile brightened the entire room. That was Heidi for you!
Sorry this picture is kind of crooked. This is Heidi and her sweet dog, Lacy! This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Heidi. She was so naturally beautiful!
The song by Mercy Me called "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE" was one that became "Heidi's Song" to many of us. Just thinking that she was in Heaven, face to face with her Lord and Savior....WE can ONLY imagine.
I have become a fan of Mark Harris and he sings the song "Wish You Were Here". EVERYTIME that song comes on the radio (or I play the CD)...I automatically think of Heidi and all the other family members and friends who have 'gone home'. For those of you who new her, know she had the MOST beautiful voice. I can just hear her singing this. Here are the words...
"Wish You Were Here" (I Cor. 2:9)
I wanted to tell you how closely I've kept
The memories of you in my heart
And all of the lifetimes that we had to share
Live even though we're apart.
But don't cry for me
'Cause I'm finally free.
To run with the angels
On streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker
That's where I'll be
When you finally find me.
Now don't you be weary cause waiting for you
Are wonders that you've never known
Just hold on to Jesus, reach out for His hands
And one day they'll welcome you home.
And that's when you'll be
Finally free
Finally free
To run with the angels
On streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker
That's where I'll be
When you finally find me
I wish you were here, I wish were you here
And all of the dreams that you treasure
Will soon come together
And that's when your sorrow will find tomorrow
And you will rise again
To run with the angels on streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker that's where you'll be
When you finally find me
We'll run with the angels on streets made of gold
We'll listen to stories of saints new and old
We'll worship our Maker that's where we'll be
When you finally find me.
I wish you were here...
This song also makes me think of Heidi (although I don't think we'll be running with angels down the street, but who knows!) Thanks for sharing.
Girlie Girl...I was just looking at your comment and the song just came on the radio. Interesting...
So why did you say that? Just curious...
Great blog Lisa, I was praying for her entire family this week. I remember hearing about it -- Her little guy seems to be doing good and he's such a cutie. I know Jason knew her but I'm sure I would have loved to have known her also!
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