We thought we would give you an update on Nicki (Ben's sister). Nicki is about 9 months younger than me (so I think she just turned 27 in December....sorry, Nicki...brain fart!). She has an awesome husband named Jason whom she married in July of 2005. They both work up in the suburbs of Chicago as high school athletic trainers.

Many of you know that she has been battling Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma since this past summer. She (and Jason) still need our prayers and support. Here are the last couple of emails we have received from her. I am also attaching a picture from their wedding and then a recent picture of her, Nick and me.

Please continue to pray for her
health and that she is granted
the strength and peace to get
through each day.
I am sure Jason would
appreciate prayer, too. He has been
by her side every step of the way!
This email is from 3/6/07
Sorry I didn't tell you about the remission. I'm not really telling anybody because it doesn't feel like I should be in remission because I'm still going thru treatment. I have eight radiation treatments left. YEAH!! Everything is going well as far as I can tell. They did find some more abnormal tissue on my latest CT scan but they treated it with radiation so hopefully that will take care of that. The only thing that I can ask for prayer for would be to help me get throught the rest of the treatments and to get over this cold especially the cough. I really appreciate all the prayers.
This email is from 3/13/07
Lately, I have been feeling pretty good. Radiation is going fine. Only five more treatments left. I can hardly wait. Last Friday I did have to go to the hospital because I had the flu. Don't worry I am fine know. Jason just got worried about me because i was up all night throwing up and then I was shaking from being so cold so he decided it was best to go get looked at. Other than that there is not much to report.
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