Guess what?!?! I finally figured out how to delete the blog I do NOT want to use. So, I think that we are all set...ready to 'tackle' this bloggin' thing. I know blogs can sometimes be boring without, my goal is to post some pictures this weekend.
This is the first weekend we will actually be home. Last weekend Upward (basketball/cheerleading ministry at church), now we can spend out Saturdays together. Ben just told me that he doesn't have to work tomorrow, either. He has been putting in 12 hour weekdays and 8 hour weekends to finish this project for work. I cannot wait until that is done and I have my husband back!
I am excited to be able to 'sleep in' tomorrow...well, at least as much 'sleeping in' you can do with a 9 month old. What else am I doing this weekend? This sounds crazy but I am really needing to clean clean clean! I think that that is what we will work on tomorrow....little does Ben know! Now that Upward is over, I guess I don't have an excuse to NOT clean the house. At least spring is arriving soon, so maybe over my spring break I will REALLY clean and 'air' the house out. Aghhh....I can't wait until then! Open the windows, light some candles ("Clean Cotton" from Yankee Candles) and just clean! I know that it's sad that that is something I acutally am lookin' forward to.
If you think about it, please pray for me this Sunday morning. I have the awesome opportunity to speak to some teens at a local church (East White Oak). I will probably begin around, just pray that I will be used of God and that I get my testimony out clearly! I haven't done this in a while, so I am a little nervous. But, I know that God is in control and He will give me the strength and courage to get through it. I hope and pray that those teens are 'open' to His leading. I will let you know how it goes. Someday, soon, I would like to put my testimony here on my blog (maybe even with those 4 very graphic pictures from Mayo). Anyway, if you think about it, just pray for me on Sunday morning!
I hope you all have a great Friday evening with your families. Please keep bloggin'!
I'd be interested to have you post your story on your blog, mostly because I have some friends who don't know you personally, but know of you and would like to hear it from your point of view.
I still think about that on occasion and am thankful that you are here. It's amazing how your life has grown since then--God is good!
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